The Writing Worship Podcast - For Worship Songwriters
The Writing Worship Podcast is a resource for Kingdom songwriters everywhere to grow in their worship songwriting craft and hear from trusted voices in the Christian music industry. Hosted by our leadership and featuring teaching from our annual conference and interviews from our online “Writing Club,” we invite you into our community to learn and grow with us. Everyone has a seat at the table.
The Writing Worship Podcast - For Worship Songwriters
Marriage, Ministry and Music
We hear from three happily-married couples...and they do ministry and music together. How do they do it?! Listen to a panel discussion from Writing Worship Conference 2023 with Scott and Lydia Ingegneri, EJ and Janice Gaines and John and Marina Stratton.
Apply now for the Worship Songwriter Mentorship. Our foundational course for all songwriters. Over 700 worship songwriters have taken and graduated from the 9-week cohort-based mentorship program. You can apply on the website.
Take the Songwriter Personality Test
This simple 10-minute test created by our founder, Krissy Nordhoff, will help you know your strengths as a songwriter and it will also help you better identify where you fit in the co-writing room. Visit
Apply for Songwriting Mentorship
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Read the Writing Worship Book by Krissy Nordhoff
Writing Worship champions the worship songwriter - visit to get more involved.